Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Elections have consequences

Most liberals around the country were flabbergasted to watch Donald Trump win the presidency.  Shocked.  Dumbfounded.  Or, as those loyal British subjects who voted for Brexit would say, gobsmacked.

The White House had been a Leftist stronghold for 8 long, terrible years (as viewed from my eyeballs).  Most liberals assumed they would control the government in this country forever.  The mainstream media sure did.  The pollsters absolutely believed that the Left was the majority this time around, as it seemed to be every four years.

Wrong.  So wrong.  And what does the left do now, once they come to finally realized that their agenda has just been repudiated by most Americans (those Americans who reside outside of liberal hell hole urban areas)?  They burn cars, smash windows and destroy private businesses.  The march out of their schools (after their teachers tell them to), and they protest with signs that say 'Not My President.'

News for you liberals out there: elections have consequences.  If you don't like what just happened to you, go out there and win an election. 

In the meantime, however, just shut the hell up, buck up and soldier on.  Life will go on without you and your liberal buddies calling the shots.  It might not go on the way you want things to work, but it will go on.


LL said...

When I first read the title, I thought that was, ERECTIONS have consequences. But it works either way.

The media had a big erection for Hillary and far from standing tall, the media is flaccid as a 95 year old man feeding pigeons in the park. The only viagra available for them is rioting low-life types who are egged on by paid community organizers.

Adrienne said...

Here's how it works in libby land: I have one "friend" on Facecrap who is a diehard libby and gets her news from the local commie rag and NPR. Suddenly she's posting all this crap about Trump - the latest compliments of Southern Poverty Law Center. She posted a link to a petition for Trump to "stop the hate." Huh? Anyway, one of her friends came in and politely questioned why Odumbo wasn't saying anything to stop the riots. Her answer? She deleted his comment, which in today's world is the same as sticking your fingers in your ears and saying, "La, la, la, I can't hear you." And they call us stupid?

Gorges Smythe said...

But it's not what they WANT! (Sob, sob!)

Fredd said...

Suggestion to Adrienne: dump your Facecrap account. It is much akin to reading the Daily Kos or the Huffington Post. Only liberal garbage is posted there, and this from your FRIENDS. Un-friend them, and leave them un-friended.

Fredd said...

LL: erections only have consequences if you are a conservative. Liberals? Not so much.

Fredd said...

Gorges: I kinda like hearing lefties cry their eyes out, but maybe that's just me.

Adrienne said...

I have local conservative friends on Facecrap. Other than that, I have exactly one "friend" who is a libtard. I'm probably going to dump her real soon. I usually don't link my blog posts to Facecrap, but I've been doing it to irritate the libtards who like to spy on me. As on of my conservative freinds said:

Brent Regan
Yesterday at 11:00am ·

It's not gloating if you are simply showing what they said.... really, not gloating now. OK, OK, maybe a little gloat, a gloatlet, or two......

Gloatlet? Wonderful new word. Thanks, Brent.

Z said...

I love "Shut the hell up". How refreshing. I have argued about Trump's bombastic delivery, but I wouldn't even mind HIM saying that to THE MEDIA! :-)

Kid said...

Here's a comment I posted on an ABC article today... "LOL, Nothing like libtard brains twisting in the wind. Suck it up kids"

Fredd said...

Z: I am swiftly running out of patience with these violent liberals. I am hoping that Donald Trump calls in the National Guard and rounds up a destructive mob or two, slams them all in jail and lets them sit there for a few months before they even get a preliminary hearing.

That oughtta cure them of taking George Soros' $15.00/hour and his script.

Fredd said...

Adrienne: life's short. Dump her now.

Brig said...

When the few libs in my extended family start in, I just smile at them, I don't say a word, just smile. Drives them crazier.

Fredd said...

Brig: gotta shun them. Don't attend their birthday parties, weddings, not even funerals. Associating with liberals in any way just encourages their evil behavior. Cut them loose.

Kid said...

I love that the beast won the popular vote. LOL !

Fredd said...

Kid: no she didn't. Throw out all of the illegal aliens that voted, in addition to Al Franken's trunk load of phony ballots, and all the dead people in Philly and Baltimore, and you'll find that she lost the popular vote; among legal registered voters.

sig94 said...

Fredd - have a great holiday! Best to you and yours.

Euripides said...

I've been holding my ears (and nose) from all the lefty whiners on campus. It's been a heck of a few weeks with the infants running around school. That includes both the students and the other teachers.

A happy Thanksgiving to you and yours Fredd.

GruntOfMonteCristo said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Freddo!

Fredd said...

Grunto: Freddo says ditto. Freddo. Heh heh, I like it.

Fredd said...

Sig: appreciate the sentiments. Ditto.

Fredd said...

Rip: such is your lot in life, listening to cry babies when they don't get their way.

Happy Thanksgiving to you as well.