Oh, get off it, Fredd, you can't possibly back that kind of statement up.
Oh yes I can.
We see this again and again: black young men with no jobs burning things to the ground. Watts. LA. Detroit. Baltimore. Ferguson. Oakland. Why? Because Freddy Grey was killed by the cops. Because Michael Brown was shot by a white cop. Because Eric Garner was killed by Staten Island cops.
Or, at least that is what is said on the streets.
Baltimore is in flames right now because blacks are not happy about their lot in life. And the cops are targeting them, since most crime in urban areas is committed by blacks. What happened to young urban blacks anyway?
They don't have fathers. Their fathers have left because there is no incentive to stay, primarily because the women in the household have the government taking care of them. No need for a man. And who decided that the government should do this? Republicans? Yes, some weak knee Republicans thought this was a good idea. But these dumb Republicans are in the vast minority. It was Democrats in droves who proposed welfare payments, earned income tax credits, food stamps and all other manner of handouts to minorities in depressed neighborhoods, and they proposed them year in and year out, and lots of those programs passed. And, of course, the recipients would subsequently vote Democratic. Often for life, as well as their progeny. This kind of legislation works great for Democrats, who are perpetually re-elected because of their support for the down trodden.
Once these down trodden got their welfare payments, no need to work, because the government was giving them money. Not a lot, but enough to pay for cable TV, and a case or two of Miller and a bag of Cheetos.
Now we have an entire culture of down trodden, dependent blacks who are not happy that they can't afford Ferraris and beach front condos on what they get from the government. And jobs?
That's another Democrat remedy gone awry. Manufacturing jobs were once the road to the middle class for those who didn't obtain college degrees, but those are no longer around in any abundance. What happened to those manufacturing jobs? Democrats and labor unions (who are almost 99% Democrats) in action, that's what happened.
Manufacturers seek to minimize costs in order to stay in business. When the American corporate tax rate is 39%, the highest in the world, what kind of manufacturers are going to give away that kind of money to a greedy government, when there are many countries that charge little or no corporate tax to business concerns. Unions demanded three times the minimum wage or they threatened a crippling strike on these businesses. These manufacturers took their business and jobs to where they were wanted. American cities sure don't want them, not with the kind of punitive taxes and union wages they hammer these businesses with.
Do Democrats understand that union thuggery in action and by taxing businesses out of the country, it affects the formerly middle class workers the most? And these formerly middle class workers are now under class unemployed disgruntled rock throwers.
Thank you Democrats.
Workin’ hard for the money!
Well, Campers, apparently Sarge, our beloved leader, is a two timer. He
confesses to being "under the weather" (medically) as well as "under the
19 hours ago