Former Penn State football coach, the late Joe Paterno has now joined a rather exclusive club of those once mighty who have fallen to the depths of public hatred.
Nobody will remember Joe Paterno as the coach who won more Divison I college football games than anyone else in the history of the sport. Nobody will ever remember that his teams had some of the highest graduation rates among the sport. Those spotless credentials will never, ever be brought up again in the same sentence with the hated Joe Paterno.
He will only be remembered for his shameful protection of a pedophile on his staff, overlooking the safety of children in his efforts to keep his legacy and that of Penn State's clean. Joe Paterno himself is now one of the most hated men in football history, perhaps trailing only OJ Simpson in that regard.
OJ himself is very similar to JoPa: nobody will ever remember his Heismann Trophy OJ Simpson won at USC. Nobody will every remember his record breaking 2,000 yard rushing season as a running back for the Buffalo Bills. None of that ever comes up when speaking of OJ. He is only remembered for murdering two people in cold blood, and getting away with it.
Also included in this club is Richard Nixon. Nixon was one of the most successful politicians in U.S. history. Is Richard Nixon remembered for serving nearly two decades as one of the leading members of the Republican Party, two terms as Vice President of the United States, and two successful elections to the Presidency of the U. S.? Nobody remembers any of that. Nobody remembers Nixon opening the trade doors to China through 'ping pong diplomacy,' nope, that stuff has been buried forever when talking about Richard Nixon.
Nixon is only remembered for the Watergate cover up, and his fall from grace in 1974.
Joe Paterno has now joined that loathsome rogue's gallery of the once mighty who have fallen farther from grace than anybody else in our culture's memory.
And Joe Paterno deserves this scorn. He was a monster.
The King Returns
Better in song? Here at the Compound we think it is. So expressive, beyond
prose perhaps.
Rousing, eh? Of course we're shameless Monarchists here...
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