Never have. And this latest mob heading towards Texas from Honduras is no exception.
Barack Obama said yesterday that we have nothing to fear from this measly little group of perhaps 1,000 impoverished, malnourished folk. And he truly means and believes that: once they get here, they will apply for food stamps and welfare, infest our schools, swamp our health care systems and in general become wards of the state: perfect Democrat voter material.
Turns out, Barry is understating several important points. One, this little group is not just a thousand poor, starving folks. It is just a platoon size group within several division size movements heading in our direction, seeking to destroy our way of life, swamp our welfare systems, clog our public schools, infest our health care systems and they don't give a damn about those who don't like it: 'we're coming anyway, and there's nothing you can do to stop us.' And two: this measly, tiny little group is part of a much larger, well organized and extremely well funded effort to swamp our system - the global left is bound and determined to undermine capitalism, and drowning our welfare and social systems is clearly the easiest and clearly obtainable method for doing just that.
Polls are narrowing as the election nears, as they always do. But I am pretty certain that the majority of voters don't want illegal invaders camping in their front yards, as they all have promised to do. I suspect this issue will swing the results of the midterms towards those who seek to secure the borders, and away from those who seek open borders: that would be Republicans.
10 days and counting, we'll see about this Blue Wave. If the polls miss this one as badly as they missed the 2016 returns (which appears they will), expect those gavels to remain in GOP fingers.
Workin’ hard for the money!
Well, Campers, apparently Sarge, our beloved leader, is a two timer. He
confesses to being "under the weather" (medically) as well as "under the
18 hours ago