This latest foray into presidential primaries will be Joe Biden's third time around. First time in 1988, he garnered 1% or so before he was forced to drop out because of the negative coverage of his blatant plagiarism of other people's speeches. Any Republican had done this, and their political careers would have been over forever.
Nope, not Lunch Bucket Joe Biden. He threw his hat into the ring again in 2008, and again, got pounded by the heavyweights at the time (Barry Obama and Crooked Hillary). Uptick on that campaign was getting the tap for Veep, where he had a subsequent run of 8 years of mediocrity and gaffes, which simply was an add on to his prior 40 years of public service consisting primarily of mediocrity and gaffes.
What is different this time around? Not one damn thing. He's still a gaffe machine, still has no accomplishments to speak of, and now has 19 other candidates sniping at his piss poor 47 year record. He will be lucky to make it out of this primary season unscathed, as he will surely be battered and bruised with his terrible record completely out there for Donald Trump to shred with glee in the general election.
But I do believe this goof ball will indeed be the last man standing on the Democrat side, as the other 19 idiots running against him are touting The Green New Deal, Medicare for All, Free College, and lately Reparations for Slavery - all serious deal killers for anybody seeking the Oval Office.
The Donald will have Four More Years.
Workin’ hard for the money!
Well, Campers, apparently Sarge, our beloved leader, is a two timer. He
confesses to being "under the weather" (medically) as well as "under the
18 hours ago