There are so many financial gurus out there these days, you can't swing a dead cat without hitting one of them. Suze Orman has been making the rounds of late on the various liberal talk shows telling everyone who will listen to never own a house, just rent one.
And of course, this is a complete one hundred and eighty degree about face from what she was telling those dopes who listened to her in the past: she touted home ownership, and said that renting a home was throwing away your money: buy the biggest house that you can qualify for, she said.
Which Suze are you to believe? The Suze Orman of two or three years ago? Or the Suze Orman of today who is telling you the exact opposite advice she spewed earlier? The truth is that Suze is just another popular financial 'expert' who will gladly tell you how to manage your money, as long as she makes a buck or two doing it. Never mind that you may have taken her advice a few years ago, and invested heavily into real estate and now have lost the shirt off of your back.
Oops (which she never said). Oh well. Now believe her when she tells you the best way to achieving financial independence is to (fill in the blank, it's all garbage anyway). At one point in her career, I recall her telling people that it makes sense to run up a big credit card balance, and that way you can improve your FICO score. With advice like that, anyone who listens to this cretin Suze Orman now are themselves dumber than a bag of hammers.
Suze Orman, of course, is a classically trained financial genius, with a bachelors degree from the U. of Illinois in..... wait for it.....SOCIAL WORK!. She's studied vigorously as to how to help people fill out food stamp applications, where to go to find welfare sign up sheets, etc., but has never once sat in a college lecture about economics, money or finance. Yeah, listen to Suze talk about money. To your peril...
My advice? Save your money for a rainy day, don't live beyond your means and manage your financial affairs yourself. Why pay these parasitic financial advisers a nickel when they have no better clue as to what the future holds than you do.
Especially Suze Orman. She's got to be the dumbest financial 'expert' that ever came down the pike.
Workin’ hard for the money!
Well, Campers, apparently Sarge, our beloved leader, is a two timer. He
confesses to being "under the weather" (medically) as well as "under the
19 hours ago