If we've heard it once, we've heard it a million times: Newt Gingrich is one smart honcho. Smartest guy in the room. Brilliant, a genius. The guy's brain is huge. Yeah, yeah. We've heard all of that. Lots of times.
And he's got the resume to prove it, too. He's got a PhD in modern European history from Tulane, and good ol' Newt can really mop the floor with anyone in a political debate. He's quick, and can really turn a phrase to get the crowd on it's feet. Yup, ol' Newt's one sharp fella.
But not so fast...
How smart does one have to be to know that cheating on your spouse (not once, not twice but many, MANY times) will ultimately stain your integrity? Most dunces know this, but apparently Newt is clueless as to how this works in the fullness of time. And how intelligent do you have to be to know that there are some things better left unsaid? Most of us seem to get this, but not Newt, oh no.
It seems that no thought swirling around Newt Gingrich's huge brain goes unsaid. An idea a minute, and some are great, some not so great. How about his latest great idea; let's start a colony on the moon. Sounds good. Well, maybe not.
Almost ALL of Newt's peers back in the heady days of the Republican Revolution in 1994 agree that Newt was a terrible leader. As Speaker of the House, he would call meetings nearly every day, and have a new agenda for each meeting. No follow up on anything discussed in the past, but always something new and fresh at the meetings. Nobody could keep track of all of Newt's initiatives, and his freshly won majority soon descended into chaos.
Socially, Newt Gingrich is at best a retard. He's the guy who, after not seeing a female colleague for a few years and notices that the woman has put on a few pounds, will point this out to her right away. And I think we all know how much we love to hear from people we know tell us all about our weight gain. We just love that, don't we?
Newt thinks so, apparently. The guy can't maintain relationships. Not with his spouses, nor with members of Congress, and particularly with those in leadership positions. Dr. Tom Coburn, who was swept into office during the Republican Revolution, was part of that freshman class and recalls Newt's modus operandi back then. And he in no way supports Newt's presidential aspirations.
When asked why, Dr. Coburn tacitly defers from getting into detail about Newt, but simply reading between the lines suggests that Newt Gingrich as a leader has much to be desired, and seemingly stepped on so many toes, that not a single congressional toe went unstepped on. Accordingly, not one - NOT ONE - former or current member of congress who served under Newt when he was Speaker of the House is willing to come out in support of Newt today.
He may be the smartest guy in the room, but I would posit that he is arguably the dumbest politician to come down the pike in some time when it comes to maintaining personal relationships with anyone outside his family (not including people to whom he was married).
Newt may be book smart, but the guy's a social retard.
Free At Last
After four long, life ruining years, J6 political prisoners are being freed across
the country. They've been persecuted and held without trial in what...
58 minutes ago