It's true. Who needs law and order? Only the privileged few, that's who. And they can afford to pay their own security costs, so no need to worry about them.
And what about the rest of us? Exactly who will come to our defenses when looters and rioters are smashing our store front windows, looting all of our inventory, and then burning down our businesses to the ground, which we put our heart, soul and life savings into?
Well, nobody with a gun, that's not the way to solve problems in society today. No siree Bob. We should all understand that anybody who breaks laws these days simply is misguided or uninformed as to how things work. Rather than sending an armed policeman, it would be just as effective in sending in a social worker who will explain to the misinformed citizen (or illegal alien) just how Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs works.
Problem solved.
If you buy into all of this 'defund the police' foolishness, then you agree with me here. And you deserve to move to CHAZ/CHOP in Seattle, where they can shoot you and nobody will come to help you. Just the way you want it.
For the rest of us sane people, we all understand that when you have a very small percentage of miscreants with guns take over a section of a large city, that cannot stand. There will be no reasoning with these types, and I can see that there will be more than a few of these criminals who will die when the rest of us take back our streets.
Reasoning with these scumbags will get you the same results as trying to logically and diplomatically solve your differences with the Wolf Man. If you disagree with me, try it and see how things work out for you.
Good luck with that.
Beware the Ides of March
Caption: Gaius Julius Caesar was a Roman general and statesman. A member of
the First Triumvirate, Caesar led the Roman armies in the Gallic Wars
before ...
13 hours ago
it would be just as effective in sending in a social worker
Works splendidly with the prison populations doesn't it?
CHOP was a grand social experiment IMHO. It demonstrated socialism at its very best. A bunch of unemployed lemmings being run by armed thugs. They even tried to grow their own food....and there were plans to annex a "Whole Foods" (owned by Amazon) down the street so that they could feed at that trough until that ran out. Rapes, murders, shootings, but done in a very progressive way.
I'm not sure what to do about "CHAZ/CHOP". Part of me wants to send in the Marines, and part of me want to just let it cook until it blows.
Either way could serve as a good example.......
"Take back the streets."
I like that.
Fool: yup, those prisoners are all better now, since those social workers gave them that 'come to Jesus' talk.
LL: I wonder if anybody watching on the news saw that. These goons couldn't govern their way out of a wet paper bag, and they want autonomy? Good luck with that.
Doc: yes, Marines would get the job done. Hoo yuh. (I think that's how it's spelled). Or cut off power and water to that zone, and let those scumbags stew in their own fetid juices until they come to their senses. I am OK with that, too.
Pastor: they are, after all, paid by city and state taxes, or in other words, the rest of us. They are our streets. Not these scumbag's personal property.
Take 'em back. By any means necessary. To use Malcolm X's words, I'm sure he would approve me ripping him off here.
Well, I see you've sent the cops in after posting this Fredd. Ya old soft heart.
I'd like to see the cops defunded in all the long time democrat officated areas. Maybe the dem voters would learn something. NAW.......
Kid: I am in 100% agreement in defunding all BAD cops. Get rid of 'em, and better yet never hire them in the first place. There has got to be a better vetting system for this crucially important job to our society. We need to start ponying up the big bucks to get big buck worthy cops. If each cop needs a masters degree in psychology, so be it. If we need to pay each cop $350,000.00 per year, and we can avoid scum cops like that pus bucket that killed George Floyd, do it.
It would be worth it in the long run.
And just for the record, 'ol' soft heart Fredd has a harder heart than Ghenghis Khan and Attila the Hun. Vlad the Impaler is a bleeding heart compared to Slap Em in The Iron Maiden for burning the U.S. Flag Fredd. Just so there's no misunderstanding.
Padre: I dunno, now that Kanye West has tossed his hat into the ring. There is possibly nobody on planet earth that is least qualified to be president than that guy. He'll probably win, though, knowing my fellow Americans.
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