There should be no doubt now that the so-called 'Deep State' exists, and much like cockroaches when exposed to the light of day these Deep State insects are scurrying for cover lest they get stepped on and squashed.
These Deep Staters are simply liberal bureaucrats leftover from former administrations to include the Obama, Bush and Clinton days. They are all thoroughly entrenched within the government bureaucracies, and are completely addicted to gobbling down the excessive bloat, waste, fraud and abuse of an inefficient system that has been awash in cash for decades and decades.
Also known as 'The Swamp,' which Donald Trump swore he would drain, these guys and gals now understand that the President is determined to change things in Washington, and if he is successful (which he usually is in about everything he has ever gotten involved in), their days laying sideways in the government trough are numbered.
Accordingly, they are pulling out all the stops in their efforts to thwart the Trump agenda, and will stop at nothing to make The Donald look bad, even at the risk of doing damage to our national security with these recent leaks of conversations between the President and the leaders of Mexico and Australia.
We should expect this type of sabotage to continue, until these cockroach Deep Staters are uncovered and terminated. After all, when a swamp is drained, you are always going to run into disgruntled alligators and snapping turtles. They won't go quietly into that good night, no siree Bob. They will go kicking and screaming.
Fine. As long as they go.
A Tale of Two Dogs ... Sort of
Kodi and Bear tucked away for a long drive.Back in the day, when *The Nuke* was
single and lived in Alexandria, VA, one of the highlights of each visit
9 hours ago
Totally agree.
Straight to Leavenworth, I hope.
The horror! Why, they might be forced to fly economy instead of business class on the taxpayer's dime.
LindaG: we've all seen how justice works for our 'betters.' Hillary Clinton is the poster child for this two-tiered justice system. If you are in the swamp, you can do just about anything you want, to include having people killed, and you can live your life in comfort all on the public dime. For us Great Unwashed, just spit on the sidewalk and end up in Leavenworth.
How this ever happened, don't ask me.
Fool: nah, the worst that will happen to these bloodsuckers is that they will cut back from chateau briand to New York strip steaks. They'll still fly first class.
I agree, Fredd. It is annoying and sad.
Right on it Freddo. MUCH work to do though. I'd say 90% + of the feds are democrats, but if those in the leadership are conservative, they could make much of the lower levels of corruption impotent. At least I hope so. Why is mcmasters still employed? We need to move a lot faster given we only may have 8 years.
Kid: I would agree that most federal government workers are Democrats. Working for a living in the private sector is just too hard for them, why bust your ass when you can lay about and collect a guaranteed paycheck that will only go up regardless of how the economy is doing?
It's a good gig if you can get it.
I agree with all you state Fredd. Messy as it may seem to most but as RushBo reminds, this is what draining the swamp looks like.
Please keep up the good commentary.
Christopher: yes, the swamp things won't go on their own, they need coercion. Or as Robocop would say, 'dead or alive, you're coming with me.'
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