Doesn't matter to Pocahontas, who hates Donald Trump with a purple passion. This horrible woman is the poster child of disingenuous, deceitful liars. She passed herself off as a member of the Cherokee tribe, with perhaps an undocumented 1/32nd of Cherokee blood coursing through her veins.
And using this dubious claim, she secured a position at Harvard as a 'woman of color.' A woman of color? Elizabeth Warren? Just take a look at her. She is the whitest white woman that ever trod the soil. I've seen jars of mayonnaise with better tans than Elizabeth Warren. A woman of color, my buttocks.
'You didn't build that!', she screeches. 'Tax payers built the roads, bridges and dams that helped get your product to market, you had nothing to do with your success.' She hates anybody who has two nickels to rub together, and thinks they got those nickels by stealing them from poor people. (news for Pocahontas: poor people don't employ anybody, or pay any significant taxes whatsoever). This screwball sentiment, coming from a hag who has a net worth of $6,000,000.00, accrued mainly by snatching up foreclosed properties that were formerly owned by the constituents she claims to champion for pennies on the dollar. When the market turned around, she sold those foreclosed units for heap big wampum (as Elizabeth Warren would put it), and yet she still howls and screeches about Wall Street being crooked as hell, when they do what they do: buy low and sell high.
This lying hag has no business being in the U.S. Senate, and had no business securing a position at Harvard as a 'woman of color.' She is a fake and a fraud of the highest order.
Pocahontas is a lying, nasty woman. If the shoe fits....or in her case, if the moccasin fits....
The whole "fake woman of color" thing appeals to progs because it allows them to advance their careers through cultural appropriation (a term that liberals throw out all the time). Thus the very thing that they accuse of others of becomes their cash cow. (Orwellian Doublethink at work)
That anyone actually takes somebody like Elizabeth Warren seriously boggles the imagination. But when you're a prog, people the fake Indian become your role models. The shrill attacks, the smug double standard, the victimization of others, are all hallmarks of the leaders (Morlocks) of the progressive movement.
Well done Fake Indian - $6,000,000 while in office. But she's nowhere near Hillary's $200,000,000 while SecState. Just saying. She's the JV team.
LL: I think we shall see more of this fake Indian down the road. She may be on the JV team now, but she'll move into the Big Leagues given an the defeat of Hillary Clinton, for example.
This little 'fake indian' thing will never be brought up again by Pocahontas or her supporters. Just like you never hear Hillary speaking about the vast right wing conspiracy, dodging bullets in Bosnia, being named after Sir Edmond Hillary, Vince Foster's death, cattle futures, bimbo eruptions, servers in basements, videos causing the deaths of four in Benghazi, and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on....and on.
What ever happened to the American voter with a lick of common sense???
Hillary & her cohorts should have long been under a prison.
Brig: if the old crone loses, then we'll see if their's a lick of justice left in the country. She has committed so many felonies that if these crimes were done by anybody else, they would be serving 1000's of years in federal prison. Thousands and thousands of years.
Fredd - I still predict that she'll look for asylum some place like Russia (where she did the 'reset'). I can't see her facing the music in the USA. Putin would accept her if only to screw with her.
Gorges: yes, I agree with both of those characterizations. Women who support Hillary's position on partial birth abortion, for example, and Planned Parenthood in particular, are nasty to the bone, and if you ask me are accessories to murder. And you don't get any nastier than that.
Men who support this lyin' piece of criminal garbage are indeed sphincters, at a minimum.
LL: if she loses, I can live with her on the run. She'll get what she deserves somewhere, someplace at sometime.
Russia would be fine. Siberia in particular, but certainly not in some plush, opulent dacha on the Black Sea, none of that.
I just wonder if Putin will put her to work. She's never made an honest living in her life, and I doubt she could even pour vodka without spilling it - a crime in Russia, BTW. Not that Hillary would ever get convicted, but the again Russia is a whole different kettle of fish.
I get the predictions about Hillary seeking asylum in Russia, and I used to agree, but I no longer think Putin would allow it. Some people are fun to screw with, and then there's Hillary. He knows that. It's hard to stomach even watching video of her for very long, even when she's on good meds. I think only Sweden would be stupid enough to accept her.
The dems are all pieces of human garbage Fredd. In the end, how many in this country are stupid enough to buy the BS coming from these buttholes. It will define our future. And come Nov 9, I may have to exclude myself from America's future by no longer participating in trying to make it successful. 'America' will get the least from me that I can manage. I'm not even sure I'll continue to donate to the military but everyone else, mainly libtards and republican buttholes who stayed home rather than vote against clinton can kiss it.
I don't think that the Russians would want Hillary working in a tractor plant or in the Siberian salt mines. More likely she would sit in her apartment in Moscow, eat borscht, and blab what secrets she knows to the KGB. Until the Americans hit her with a poison pellet fired from an umbrella - or something. (As the Russians did to Georgi Markov)
LL: no need for the old crone to blab secrets to the Ruskies, they already have everything classified that Hillary ever knew via her 'secret' server in her basement.
Put her to work in the salt mines, and get out the stop watch to see how long she remains upright. Should be a quick study.
Kid: I get your sentiment, and agree that if you buy into the Democrat philosophy, you are just dumber than a bag of hammers, or evil, one of the two.
With a Hillary win, there's going to be hell to pay for the GOP Establishment who did Trump in. I have had a good exposure to statistics in my day, and know that becoming an activist has at best minuscule returns vs a large exposure to retribution from those whose interests my activist efforts would be aimed. I would prefer to remain off the radar, but certainly not support anything the Left sees as good and proper - since they are rotten to the bone, and are wrong about everything.
Grunt: Sweden, perhaps. Or Ecuador. Regardless of where she ends up, I think she's still as I type this sicker than a dog and her days are numbered.
She really is horrible and it's a wonder she can get elected to ANYTHING.......
By the way, I'd not want to be considered 'nasty' under any circumstances...she seems happy to have taken over the moniker but I guess it suits her better?
Z: I think 'nasty' is the least offensive characterization of the old crone out there currently.
Her secret service detail refer to her campaign jet as 'Broomstick One.' And that's from people that have sworn to take a bullet for her. You of course have a point: in a sane world, a foul tempered hag like Hillary Clinton couldn't get elected dog catcher.
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