...and her mistake cost her dearly.
The mistake that Kayla Meuller made was one that is made every day by most liberals in America and this would be the mistake: if you ignore evil in the world, or show that your intentions are pure in the presence of evil, then evil will not harm you. Thinking this way would be a major mistake.
Obama is of this mindset, and so is the rest of his like-minded constituency. He promised us prior to his 2008 election that the world would love us once we showed them that we mean no harm to any nation, regardless of what nation that is.
We can all see how that is working out for us. We are more hated now as a country internationally than we have ever been before. This is 180 degrees out of phase with the promises Obama made. We are detested both by our allies, whom we turn our backs on regularly under the Obama administration, and by our enemies who are emboldened by what they see as a weak United States.
Kayla Meuller just wanted to help those in need. She went to Syria to help the poor refugees of the civil war that has now seen nearly a million displaced and thousands and thousands killed. I am unsure as to why she figured that the violence over there would not descend on her, but that's what she figured, apparently.
What a mistake. 26 year-olds should not be allowed to travel to war zones unless they are wearing the uniform of a branch of the U.S. armed forces. They just don't know enough of the world, and that just because you want to help doesn't make you bullet proof.
It's a pity this poor misguided woman had to die for a huge mistake that is so obvious to so many of us. American tourism to see the great pyramids at Geza in Egypt has fallen off over 95% or more in the last 20 years. Why? Because the word has gotten out to most rational people that Egypt is a Muslim country, and polls indicate within the population of Egypt that Americans are not their friends anymore, nor actually never really were their friends.
Accordingly, in order to avoid being stabbed, poisoned, shot or kidnapped, rational people stay away from most Middle Eastern destinations.
For good reason. And Kayla Meuller chose to ignore those reasons, to her ultimate demise.
Still Alive ...
*OAFS Photo*
Honestly, I had no plans to write anything for a few days.
But seeing no new post bugged me.
Musical interlude time.
I'm still alive!
11 hours ago
Kid: what are the odds that her Syrian boyfriend was involved in her kidnapping?
Well above 0%, I would speculate.
I completely understand her desire to help, but I also wonder why "helpful" liberals always seem to want to go help in other countries than in the US? There's a real disconnect there that liberals believe that somehow it's more noble to help people of developing countries than those who need our help right here.
I can with a fair degree of certainty rule out a wanderlust to live in tropical paradises as part of the motivation of those do-gooder liberal globe trotters.
If they routinely chose to go help the down trodden in Pago Pago or Hawaii, then my cynicism would kick in.
But they are pretty consistent: rather than stay right here and help the poor in Cleveland, OH, they pick fairly God forsaken hell holes to lend their hands, such as Syria, Haiti and other pus pockets here and there . Following Mother Theresa's lead, I guess.
She was originally in Turkey working with Syrian refugees. Apparently she was kidnapped as soon as she set foot in Syria. Young, gullible ... and dead is no way to go through life.
Dean Wormer of Faber College in his famous admonishon to Flounder: 'fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son'
Kayla Meuller, following in Flounder's foot prints would still be alive, albeit fat, drunk and stupid.
She didn't go down Flounder's path and now she was young, gullible and dead.
Did you see that?
Fredd... "She went to Syria to help the poor refugees"
It now appears Kayla went to Syria to join ISIS.
Kid: I looked around for articles to support that Kayla tried to join ISIS, found nothing.
Where would I go to corroborate this?
Fredd, http://www.israelnationalnews.com/Articles/Article.aspx/16455#.VOE2Vy7Qo4T
Kid: I read the article in Israel National News, found nothing that pointed to Kayla Mueller joining ISIS.
The author also has an ax to grind, so the truth of it all is hazy at best, without launching an investigation, which is something I am not inclined to get involved with.
I'll stick with characterizing her as Kayla-the-lame-brained-liberal-do-gooder, and move on.
The trouble with the lame-brained-liberal-do-gooder approach is that lame-brained-liberal-do-gooders cannot properly predict the outcome of their actions. They sincerely believe their actions will result for good when, in fact, they almost always result in the opposite. They just cannot see it.
Joe: Obama is a lame-brain liberal do-gooder, and just exactly as you say: he stumbles and fumbles through his administration thinking he is doing good things, when in fact he is the direct cause for the malaise in the US and the world being on fire as we speak.
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