The control of both houses of Congress will change on January 4th, 2011. Although we all can argue today about our guesses as to the peripheral details of the composition of the 112th Congress which will be decided on November 2nd, 2010, I am confident that regardless of the size of the GOP majority, the Republicans will have control of both houses next year.
Unfortunately, that leaves the outgoing Democrat majority in control from November 3rd, 2010 through January 3rd, 2011: sixty one days of terror during which Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Barack Obama will wreak legislative havoc on our country, regardless of the political consequences for years if not decades to come.
They have already announced that they plan to introduce, debate, gain cloture and pass around 20 pieces of odious, destruction liberal bills such as card check, cap and trade and comprehensive immigration reform (also known as amnesty), to name a few of the horribly damaging bills among many others nearly as damaging to our economy, our Constitution and our way of life in America.
In the U.S. Senate, Harry Reid will have 57 reliable Democrat votes, two reliable Independent Democrat votes (Bernie Sanders and Joe Lieberman), plus a few reliable Republican votes they can pick off, namely Olympia Snow, Susan Collins, John McCain and a few other RINO's from time to time to pass these God awful bills into law. Obama will sign them as fast as they show up on his desk, and repealing, slowing down, defunding or otherwise thwarting this crazy lurch leftward will be an extremely tough row to hoe. In the House, Nancy Pelosi can count on 255 reliable Democrat votes to a measly 177 Republican votes to usher in their madness in these 61 days of legislative carnage.
And do these outgoing liberals know that they will enrage the American people to the point that they may not win another national elective majority for years to come? Yes, of course they know this. And they also know that once an entitlement is enacted, it never goes away. Ever. And they know that they will, in the fullness of time, get the gavels of power back, and when they do, look at the bureaucracy that will have been in place for them to saunter right back in, and have their 'rightful' seat at the table of power of the socialist nation they had created back in 2010 - 2011.
'Fredd,' you say, 'no reasonable political party would ever do that to themselves in the short run, by throwing their entire party onto their own sword.' Oh yeah? Who ever said that this particular party, in this particular day and age, was ever reasonable?
The Democrat's exit from power in January, 2011 will much resemble the political version of Saddam Hussein's retreating Iraqi Republican Guard Army, leaving Kuwait at the end of the First Gulf War: they will set the whole country on fire, and then gleefully admire the carnage they wrought in their rear view mirrors.
Boy, do I hope I am very wrong about this eventuality. I really, really do.