Wrong. Gov. Walker was elected to set the out of control state of Wisconsin's budget right. And that is what he is going to do, regardless of President Obama's best efforts to stymie Gov. Walker's proposals to bring the Wisconsin state budget into balance.
This stand off between layabout, shiftless union thug teachers and the public who pays their salaries is glorious to watch. There is only one of two ways this will end: the union thugs get their way, and the State of Wisconsin continues its drunken sailor wild spending on public union thug pensions and benefits, or the people who pay for them will prevail in cutting them back to sensible levels.
Which will it be? The 'flee-bagger' Democrat state legislators who fled into the bankrupt state of Illinois to stall a vote on this issue think they can force Gov. Walker off his position are simply dead wrong. The governor has stated that he will not budge from the position he has taken as a pledge to the voters of the State of Wisconsin to reign in profligate state spending.
You go, Governor Walker. We are behind you. This showdown is a plebiscite on the state of American politics: do we want unions to shove their desires down our throats, or do we tell them to back off?
I stand with Governor Walker. And most of Americans do, too.