Tuesday, January 24, 2017

"Peaceful transfer of power" - not so much anymore

If last Saturday's mass demonstrations are any indication of days to come, I see the Founding Father's visions of 'peaceful transfer of power' coming to an end, and sooner rather than later.

The smashing of windows, burning of cars and trash barrels in the streets is not what I would call peaceful.  Yes, the power was transferred from a Democrat in the White House to a Republican, but so far it has been anything but peaceful.

Also witness the unhinged lunacy on the part of the folks that lost the election.  That pinch-faced liberal hag on the Alaskan Airlines flight who completely lost her composure, got kicked off the plane after she berated her fellow passenger simply because he suggested that he did not adhere to her extreme liberal views of how things should be run in our country.  Peaceful transfer of power?  Hardly.

A woman was being interviewed at the Washington D.C. women's rally on Saturday and said (I paraphrase here) "if women continue to march in the streets, it will lead to action."  I would be curious to know just what kind of 'action' this cretin is talking about.  Does she think that Donald Trump, when seeing protests against him will simply abdicate his office, and swear Hillary Clinton to the presidency?  I believe she just might think this will happen.  And of course most people with half a brain understand that this will never happen.

Or maybe she really doesn't know what kind of  'action' she wants, she just knows that things didn't go her way, and she truly believes in her teensy brain that she should get what she wants when she wants it.  And that stomping her feet, setting things on fire and smashing windows will achieve these goals.  Much like a 4-year old in K-Mart, who throws a wild tantrum when mommie doesn't buy him that box of Fruit Loops.

What she is talking about, all of this 'action' rhetoric, is something that everybody else except unthinking dolts like her and her movement understands: she is talking about violent revolution. 

This is how people have transferred power in every other society on earth since man crawled out of the ooze: not until our Founding Fathers wrote up how things could peacefully change with the results of peaceful elections,  social change was handled by the most people with the biggest guns and the angriest voices leading the largest mobs, leading to lots of blood in the streets. This was how it was done back in the good ol' days.

By the looks of this past week, this is going to be how the Left wants things to return to; gunfire and bloodshed.  Unfortunately, the Left has never really been keen on gun ownership, and they have not thought this revolution thing all the way through: the only way revolutions work is with an armed movement, and the only side in this upcoming skirmish that is openly and proudly armed is the other side (that would be me and my ilk).  Sure, they are familiar with Molotov cocktails, crow bars, sticks and stones, but guns?  Uh uh.

I don't see this working out for the liberal commie pinkos in the end.  This revolution business requires fire power, something they are still a bit squeamish about.  And until that changes, they will be resigned to setting garbage cans on fire, and getting arrested.  

Some revolution.  But they will eventually get it figured out, and once that happens, the notion of 'peaceful transfer of power' would be a quaint memory. 

Saturday, January 21, 2017

American carnage

The first national voice we heard that warned us against the rise of the 'New World Order' was during the 1992 presidential campaign, when H. Ross Perot correctly predicted that upon the signing of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), we all would hear this 'giant sucking sound' of American jobs screaming across the border to Mexico.

Despite the little guy being a complete nut job, he was certainly right about that.  American corporations took full advantage of this immediate access to dirt cheap labor, and closed American factories hand over fist in their clamor to ship these American manufacturing jobs to the sweat shops and chain gang production crews in Mexico and later China.  

Donald Trump correctly points out this "American carnage," and what that giant sucking sound created in his inaugural address, "We’ve made other countries rich while the wealth, strength, and confidence of our country has disappeared over the horizon.  One by one, the factories shuttered and left our shores, with not even a thought about the millions upon millions of American workers left behind.  The wealth of our middle class has been ripped from their homes and then redistributed across the entire world."

President Trump referred to the rusted shells of vacant factories scattered across the American landscape like tombstones.  Many fear that this president will create a trade war that will damage this economy.  

This economy has been damaged almost beyond repair already by unfair trade practices.  We ship our goods overseas and they are met on the receiving shores with a 10% tariff, only they call it something else.  We buy goods from overseas, and charge them nothing, for the most part.  What kind of crap is this?  Donald Trump vows to end this kind of garbage.  If you want to call this a trade war, so be it.  Fair trade is one thing, giving away the store is another.

Donald Trump received a B.A. in Economics from the Wharton School of Business, and the basic tenets of economics are supply and demand, Adam Smith's 'invisible hand' and theories of trade that involve a principle called 'comparative advantage.'

I also studied economics, albeit at a commie pinko liberal leftist public school in Oregon (U. of Oregon).  I was subjected to the same business concepts that The Donald studied at Wharton.  What I never understood was my professor's insistence that 'comparative advantage' was a good thing: if production occurs in an underdeveloped country of a product that was invented and produced initially in the U.S., it would leave us more productive folk in the U.S. free to do what we are better positioned to do: stand in the unemployment line.  That's not exactly their texts, but that's what it has resulted in over the long run these last 25 years.

In other words, these learned men of letters were telling me that 2+2=5.  I regurgitated this nonsense back to the professors on the tests, got B's in the stuff but was never a true believer.  It never made sense to me then, and it still doesn't make sense to me now.

And it doesn't make sense to Donald J. Trump, either.  Finally, a guy who gets it.  Nuts to this 'New World Order' bullshit. When we stop shipping our jobs overseas, without consideration for what happens to the Americans whose jobs were pulled out from under them, things will turn around.  

We need to think of Americans and their benefit first.  And unlike George Will, who thinks The Donald's speech was the worst speech ever given in the history of mankind, I think that this mindset will go far in making America great again.

Take that to the bank, George.  And may God Bless our new President, Donald J. Trump.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Trump derangement syndrome raging across the nation

I have been admonished not to mention Donald Trump's victory at an upcoming visit of mine owing to an attendee's wife being severely distraught over the election results.  "Please don't poke the beehive," hubby pleads.  

I completely understand this request, and I have promised to not discuss politics under any circumstances.  It was a terribly long, nightmarish eight years that I felt extremely disheartened and feared for the future of the country.  Especially after Obama's re-election; good Lord, how could we have given this socialist ANOTHER FOUR YEARS to destroy what's left of the Founding Father's vision for America.  

And my fears were not invalid.  Obamacare has so weakened our economy since no self respecting employer would ever consider hiring a full time worker, lest his bottom line get eaten away by these punitive taxes (yes, taxes, according to Chief Justice John Roberts).  Many previously full time workers have had their hours slashed so that employers can remain in business.  

Yes, now the shoe is on the other foot, and the liberals across the country are fit to be tied.  There is great wailing and gnashing of teeth over the prospect that Donald Trump will overturn many of Obama's economy wrecking initiatives and his transfer of wealth schemes.  Barry promised to remake America, and now it appears that The Donald is un-making those remakings of Barry's.  Repealing and replacing Obamacare is a great start.  

But the liberals will not take this lying down.  They will not go quietly into that good night.  Not on your life.  A communist leftist organization 'Grab Your Wallet' has called on Americans to boycott any business that has anything to do with Donald Trump or his company affiliations.  L.L. Bean co-owner and board member Linda Bean gave a few measly bucks of her own personal money to the Trump campaign, and now these slime balls are calling for a complete boycott of L.L. Bean.  

I don't dismiss this boycott as frivolous.  In fact, I encourage conservatives to emulate this tactic: since they are boycotting conservative interests (and L.L. Bean is by no means conservative, they want to sell their popular 'Bean Boots' to both liberals and conservatives), conservatives should boycott liberal interests at every turn.  What's good for the goose is good for the gander: if you are an employer and you find out that one of your employees is liberal, fire them immediately.  If you know of a business that is owned by liberals who push their liberal agenda via their company, boycott them.  Ben & Jerry's ice cream comes to mind - and unless you are a sumo wrestler who needs this product to remain competitive, stay clear of it.

And don't stop there: if  a member of your family is liberal, give it your best shot to convert them to sanity.  If all efforts fail, and they still insist on voting Democratic, wearing Birkenstocks and eating Ben & Jerry's ice cream, shun them.  Don't go to their birthday parties, weddings, bar mitzvahs or even funerals.  

Trump Derangement Syndrome is raging out of control.  Rather than just sitting back and watching it play out (to our detriment), we need to fight back: fight fire with fire.  Boycott Democrat/liberal interests where ever they are.  


Sunday, January 1, 2017

The future of the Democrat party - lots of wandering in the wilderness

When a national party, either Republican or Democrat, loses in a catastrophic landslide, some retrospective soul searching is always a good idea.  What happened?  Why did we get our butts kicked? How can we reverse our fortunes going forward?

It happens periodically to both parties.  The Goldwater debacle in 1964 set the GOP back perhaps a generation.  They watched as their depleted minorities stood by helplessly while their counterparts, the Democrats, spent money we didn't have on LBJ's 'The Great Society,' and 'War on Poverty,' where everybody would have a chicken in every pot and a Cadillac in every garage.  

The Democrats lost their 40 continuous years as a majority in the House when Newt Gingrich and his Contract with America swept the Republicans into power in the 1994 mid year elections.  These Democrats then sat back helplessly as Newt and the GOP worked to establish a balanced budget, drastically cut back on welfare and generally derailed many Great Society boondoggles (not nearly enough, but some) to the lament of the Dems in the minority. And even the then-president Bill Clinton (D) said at the time: 'the era of big government is over.'  He didn't mean it, but he said it.

Then the pendulum swung back the Dems way in 2006 after a bungled GOP majority became what Nancy Pelosi correctly termed the 'culture of corruption,' with perverts Mark Foley and Denny Hastert leading the GOP demise.  Nancy grabbed the gavel and ran with it, again spending money we didn't have hand over fist, much like a drunken sailor.  

Ten years later, here we are again, with the GOP winning huge gains in many state legislatures, gubernatorial races and majorities in all three branches of government (assuming Donald Trump nominates a rock ribbed constitution originalist to replace Antonin Scalia on the SCOTUS).

Historically, all the Dems need to do is wait ten to fifteen years, and the gavels of power will be back in their hands.  During this time in the wilderness, however, it is customary for the party out of power to figure out how they bungled things, how best to fix them and implement their fixes to get them out of their current funk.  

Not this time.  The Democrats have not figured things out, not at all.  They think that they simply did not get their message out.  The DNC and Hillary Clinton campaign poured $6 dollars into messaging for every $1 that the RNC and Donald Trump ponied up. This statistic alone would debunk the 'not getting their message out' excuse for failure.  Americans heard the Democrats loud and clear. They just didn't believe what they were hearing.

Now they blame the Russians for outing their malfeasance and skulduggery via Wikileaks.  This, despite Julian Assange adamantly insisting that their info came from within a disgruntled channel of the DNC, and not the Russians.  Nope, that couldn't have been the cause for their drubbing.  No, it was those rascally Russians ratting their rottenness out to the public.  And of course, all of the aforementioned out-ratted malfeasance and skulduggery was never repudiated.  It was all true, such as Donna Brazile providing Hillary Clinton the questions in advance of the debates.  Not denied, not at all.  Or Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz, then-DNC Chair-person undermining Bernie Sanders during the Dem primaries.  True.  Not denied, dead to nuts accurate.

No, none of this malfeasance and skulduggery was the issue.  The issue what that it was made public.  That's what they are crabbing about.  That's why they lost, they figure.  They had agents on behalf of the GOP messing up their modus operandi.  Russians, primarily. If it weren't for those rotten Rooskies, they would still be in power and Americans would still love them.  So wrong, so terribly wrong, but this is what they are hanging their hat on.  So be it.  Just for the record, Americans don't like seeing brazen, open malfeasance and skulduggery.  It is unseemly and unattractive to most voters, but Dems don't get that.

This time around, the Dems may be wandering around in the political desert for longer than usual, assuming the GOP doesn't self destruct (which is not out of the question).  If they can't relate with the Zeitgeist and connect with reality, then they deserve their time in banishment from power.