Donna Brazile's tell all book about the malfeasance and skulduggery within the Democrat National Committee and the Clinton Crime Syndicate is a refreshing change from the days gone by, where absolutely nobody from the inside whispered so much as 'boo' about the Clintons and their 40-year crime spree.
The DNC, representative of so much that is wrong with politics, has so poisoned the political arena within the last few decades, it is not shocking to hear that they laundered money, lied, stole, cheated and probably murdered their way into power and once in, to keep it. Not a shock at all.
This has been the Clinton playbook since the 1980's in Arkansas. And every page of that playbook is probably illegal and morally bankrupt. It is high time that somebody said it.
Besides me, of course.
Donna can kiss any position within the Democrat Party off forever, that is certain. But the way she went out is to be applauded, as she tells her protesting critics to 'go to hell.' You tell 'em, girl!!
The Clintons and the DNC used Donna Brazile as a useful idiot, and then as a scapegoat when things crashed and burned in 2016. It is not a surprise that she didn't like how they treated her, despite her efforts as a loyal foot soldier in their socialist army, and she chose this hill to die on. Good choice, Donna.
She of course will remain a rock ribbed socialist to her dying day, but I must applaud her chops here. To stand up to these bullies is to be lauded. No, I will never agree with anything she believes in politically, but we need more political courage just like this, not less.
Good for you, Donna Brazile. Way to go down swinging.
Spring Ahead ...
*German infantry assaulting a French position called Le Mort Hommeduring
the Battle of Verdun, March 1916.*
By Hermann Rex
*Source*Back when I was gainful...
5 hours ago
Wonder what odds the Vegas guys are giving her to see 2018.....
By telling her story, and how she was afraid that she'd die at any moment, she may have done the best thing she could do to stay alive. If she "commits suicide" NOW, the whole world will know who's to blame.
Agreed. Let's hope she lives to testify if ever called on.
Dr. Jim: good point, people who cross the Clintons tend to end up in the morgue. I'd say Vegas might go 50/50 on this one.
Gorges: not much of a testament to the honor of the Clinton legacy, is it?
Linda: so far, for the last 40 years, the Clintons have not been held to account. They are still walking free to do their evil things. Not sure what will change.
Not a lot there really, but it is refreshing to see a DNC insider calling out any of the vermin to any degree, especially the beast.
So, I just watched her on Tucker. She is GOOD ! She actually put out a DNC hit piece that is Pro-DNC. Not easy.
Kid: I watched her on Tucker, too. I'm starting to appreciate her brazen approach to politics. But she will always be a big government, Marxist elitist who doesn't have any faith or confidence in the American public. I will never ever agree with anything she believes, and she will never agree with anything I believe. Nothing.
But she is loyal to her philosophy. As flawed as it is, she won't betray her beliefs. Unlike the Clintons, whom she says she admires.
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