Anyone who has ever lived in northern Virginia is not surprised by the results of last Tuesday's election: a Democrat beat a Republican. This should not be a shock to anybody.
I used to live in northern Virginia (3 years in Manassas, VA, in Prince William County). This area is lousy with swamp dwellers. Everybody in the counties surrounding Washington DC works for the government. Well, just about everybody. In my humble suburban housing development, there were about 50 single family homes. Of those 50, maybe ten of those homes were supported by someone who worked in the private sector. The other 40 were supported by government paychecks: federal administrators, lobbyists, various federal departments such as defense, HUD, SEC, etc. I knew all of these people, and they were not all raging liberals, though many were.
These people were just what we now call 'deep state' or 'swamp' dwellers. They watched administrations come and go, and remained employed by the U.S. government, regardless of their party affiliations.
They simply vote in their best interests. And along comes Donald Trump, an outsider who vows to drain their beloved swamp. Guess who they are NOT going to vote for? You got it. Anybody with any ties to The Donald, even though Ed Gillespie was more akin to them than to The Donald. Didn't matter: he had a 'R' behind his name. That was all the swamp dwellers needed to know.
The math here ain't hard, folks. Northern Virginia is home to the swamp dwellers when they go home at night. The counties surrounding DC such as Fairfax, Loudon, Prince William and Arlington all house the swamp people, the Deep Staters.
This was not a referendum on Donald Trump's agenda, as the mainstream media all insist was what happened. This election was about these swamp people keeping their jobs. Nothing more. Most of the downstate folk are split between conservatives and liberals, and they could go either way. But Northern Virginia will always vote their paychecks.
And The Donald has vowed to cut the fat, and that's what Northern Virginia is all about - getting fat off the federal government. They don't want to be drained.
Nothing more to it than that. I know, because I saw this with my own eyes.
Spring Ahead ...
*German infantry assaulting a French position called Le Mort Hommeduring
the Battle of Verdun, March 1916.*
By Hermann Rex
*Source*Back when I was gainful...
6 hours ago
The swamp dwellers live on what I term "welfare for the middle class" and they nest in Virginia and Maryland with their heads held high. There they remain. Even the people who don't pull a government paycheck rely on the government paychecks of others to float their businesses. That's just how it works, and the expansion under Bush 43 and Obama was obscene.
No, they won't vote for a drain-the-swamp type. They were all cheering for Jeb! and Hillary who swore to increase the swamp. The Republican rancor against candidate Trump was thick. The anger that America elected him oozes from every man hole cover in Northern Virginia.
However once you're beyond the beltway, there is sanity in Virginia. Not enough sanity to elect a Republican governor because you're out of the swamp where all of the legions from the Black Lagoon make their homes. (is it racist to refer to a "black lagoon"?)
Sad, but true.
Gorges: not all that sad. Swamp people have to live somewhere.
LL: yes, racist to call anything black anymore. Can't call it the 'black market', completely racist. No more black eyed peas, only white supremacists call them that. In LA, no more 'rolling black outs,' unacceptable. Only rolling power outages. Punch somebody and give them a black eye? No way, David Duke. They are now called ocular subdermal hematomas.
Got it?
Fool: not a lot to be done about that right now. Maybe in the long run, if we continue to keep liberalism on the run. But right now, nope.
You'll be happy to know that Rush agrees 100% with your assessment. I didn't expect any different outcome and anyone who did is not a realist.
Adrienne: I'm not surprised. I've been in sympatico with El Rushbo for decades. He and I are like peas in a pod, except that I am better looking.
I lived in the area, albeit on the wrong side of the tracks, Prince George's, MD. The swamp was there too, albeit not so much as in ritzy Virginia.
Are these people going to vote themselves out of a job? Unlikely, but the rest of the country might. Please.
Pastor: yes, the high falutin' betters lived on the Virginia side of the tracks, you know, the horsey people. Robert Duvall ('Lonesome Dove') and his ilk who owned horses and such chased out Disney several decades ago when Disney was considering a Civil War theme park in Loudon county (bad idea then, bad idea now). Can't have all of that Disney hubbub of commerce and cash flow, we have our horse pastures to think about.
The po' folks lived in Chevy Chase and other slums in MD and knew their place.
But ALL OF 'EM, every single voter, votes to keep their jobs of living off of the fat of the federal government. Every damn one of 'em.
Fredd, the phrase "pigs at the trough" springs to mind.
Pastor: I perhaps wouldn't mind so much if these pigs would just have a quick bite at the trough but no: they insist on laying sideways in it.
Fredd, they do love to wallow but that aside, Happy Thanksgiving!
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