Do you ever wonder what would happen to you if you did even 1/100th of the rotten stuff that the Clintons do? Bill and Hillary Clinton have been getting away with murder for 40 years, and maybe even longer than that.
I won't go down the laundry list of felonies that this rogue couple has gotten away with (Bubba lying to Congress during the Lewinski scandal, Bubba selling ICBM technology to the Chinese, Hillary compromising our intelligence community and national security with her private unsecured server in her closet, Hillary selling 20% of our uranium reserves to the Russians...). No, I won't go down that list as long as my arm.
And now Hillary's campaign was caught paying $6,000,000.00 to a concern with Kremlin ties to dig up dirt on The Donald (she says she knew nothing about it. Of course she was clueless, that is her standard dodge).
Why are neither of these criminals serving sentences in The Big House right now? Anybody else would have been slammed in the hoosegow and the key would have been thrown away for even 1/10th of the crooked crap that these two have perpetrated.
Simple answer. We, the American People, are loathe to punish somebody this high up for what might be considered political reasons. We will simply not be seen by the rest of the world as a Banana Republic, where the winning side imprisons the losing side.
And the Clintons KNOW this. And they USE this against the American people and engage in decades-long crime sprees the likes of which has never been seen in the world. Likely neither of them will ever see the inside of a prison despite deserving such a fate one hundred times over. The American people just don't have the stomach to indict these scalawags.
Just remember a little history, however: one of the main reasons that Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette lived the lives of luxury in the late 1700's in France amid their starving peasant subjects without a second thought of the optics of it all: they were the peasant's 'betters,' and accordingly deserved to flaunt their opulent ways.
And we all know how that turned out.
Spring Ahead ...
*German infantry assaulting a French position called Le Mort Hommeduring
the Battle of Verdun, March 1916.*
By Hermann Rex
*Source*Back when I was gainful...
5 hours ago
Agree with you but leave me out of the "we" please.
I've also heard it said that the republicans are afraid that if then dems go to the big house, they'll take half the republicans with them, and that's probably true.
Hmmmm. Let them eat cake, Uranium Cake. And while we're at it, imagine Hillary in the court of Antoinette, as a crone gardener or a skulduggery maid in the Trianon. On second thoughts, DON'T imagine that, it's disturbing.
Fool: nope, 'we' includes you, too. Even though you (and I) can clearly see these crooks for who they are, our friends and neighbors don't. And our friends and neighbors (we) vote for these crooks in the aggregate.
You are lumped in with 'we' whether you like it or not. And I see you don't.
Gorges: not half, considerably less than half. Quite a few, but far from half.
Pastor: crone and skulduggery can always be included in any sentence constructed regarding Hillary Rodham Clinton.
I hope she runs again in 2012. The Donald would probably take every electoral vote in the worst landslide in American politics. George McGovern would love giving up his crown on that score. Or was it Michael Dukakis....don't make me Google it.
Acknowledging your betters and knuckling under is what makes a person progressive.
The clinton's are done at this point. Stick a fork in em, put em in the trash, and smile smile smile.
Fredd, kasich and biden are going to be the defecrat ticket in 2012. They will be decimated as well.
Let's hope Oprah doesn't run. She has a chance.
Kid: what about that snot nosed kid who owns facebook? He's running on the 'let's all love one another' ticket. He's a shoo-in with the Bernie Sanders crowd.
Kid: don't count the Clintons out. They have dirt on everybody, let's see if they start paying some back stabbers a visit...
LL: for the record, anyone who tells me to my face that they are my better, we'll see how that goes.
Kid: I dunno. I think he's just a young idealist whose self importance has gone to his head, and now he thinks he knows everything.
Kinda like me. Actually, I DO know everything. Just ask me.
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