Much hated by liberals, former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski pointed out an interesting perspective on the Harvey Weinstein scandal, and Hollywood's sealed lips about it over decades and decades.
Lewandowski correctly notes that virtually everybody who was anybody in Hollywood knew about what a predatory criminal scumbag Harvey Weinstein was, for years and years, and yet nobody said a word about it to the police. These exact same actions by the late Joe Paterno, coach of
Penn State football program, namely remaining silent for years after being informed of assistant coach Jerry Sandusky's predatory sexual crimes, was cause for massive punitive actions against his former pristine legacy. Lewandowski wants to know why there is no such repercussions against these Hollywood types who also kept silent and allowed this criminal activity to flourish for decades. That's a really good question.
After his death, a statue of Paterno was removed from the Penn State campus in 2012 and replaced by trees and landscaping, in an attempt to erase the taint of Joe's legacy. The Penn State football team forfeited over 100 games over Joe's tenure, and Joe Paterno lived his final days in disgrace and shame, with investigations and possible indictments hanging over his head.
What about virtually every heavy hitter, poobah, 800 pound gorilla and Hollywood A-list star in Tinsel Town who were all fully aware and informed of what a despicable reprobate Harvey Weinstein was, and yet remained silent for decades?
How many young aspiring actresses and actors were torpedoed and black listed by Weinstein when they rebuffed his clumsy and overt unwanted sexual advances? Tens, hundreds, maybe even THOUSANDS over his Hollywood reign of terror? Nobody said boo, and the damage by Harvey Weinstein was allowed to continue, FOR DECADES.
Why are these silent co-conspirators not indicted in this scandal? Why are their careers and legacies not tainted and erased from the public square like Joe Paterno's was for his silence?
I would like an answer to that question posed by Corey Lewandowski. It's a very good question.
Spring Ahead ...
*German infantry assaulting a French position called Le Mort Hommeduring
the Battle of Verdun, March 1916.*
By Hermann Rex
*Source*Back when I was gainful...
6 hours ago
Because money covers for money and their fans don't CARE how corrupt they are, just like Hillary's supporters (sort of then same people actually).
Gorges: yes, they are the EXACT same people.
+ 3
Casting couches. Lots of em in hollywood. They were all silent becuase they are all guilty too. harvey was thrown into the volcano because the LV shooter story was about to come apart at the seams and they needed this turd as cover.
How many starlets gained great fame and huge money for sex with Weinstein? Probably too many to count.
Z: yes, those women sold their souls to the devil in exchange for opulent yachts, Malibu mansions, Oscar nominations, huge gobs of cash. Too many to count? Probably.
And, on the record, how many of these beasts, sorry, people, are pedo Satanists?
Spirit Cooking anyone?
Pastor: there you go again, citing Satan. Must be a religious thing with you ordained types.
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