The election next Tuesday to recall Governor Scott Walker (R-WI) looks like a conservative victory in the making. Things could change between now and then, but a recent poll put the governor ahead of democrat challenger and failed Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett by 7 percentage points.
This election was driven and contrived (by fraudulent recall signatures) entirely by public sector unions, whose power was reigned in (rightly so) by the governor after his election in 2010. These public sector unions have been drunk with power for over 50 years, ever since their creation by John F. Kennedy in the early 1960's, and they have never missed an opportunity to give themselves opulent raises (at the expense of taxpayers), give themselves lucrative pensions (at the expense of taxpayers), give themselves free 'Cadillac' medical care packages (at the expense of taxpayers), give themselves ever younger retirement eligibility (at the expense of taxpayers), and on and on and on (at the seemingly never ending expense of the weary and broke taxpayers).
Governor Walker ended all of this drunken sailor spending by public sector unions, and they started screaming bloody murder. So much so, that an enormous pile of money has been spent in this recall effort funded entirely by the SEIU, AFSME, the NEA and a few other giant public sector unions. This effort was designed to not only remove Gov. Walker from office, but to destroy him and his lieutenant governor Rebecca Kleefisch personally.
All in an attempt to fire a shot across the bow of all conservative politicians who try to take the meat and potatoes off of any public sector union plate: the message was intended to be crystal clear on a national level: 'mess with us, and we will destroy you.'
I will guess that the margin of defeat next Tuesday of the unions and their stooge Tom Barrett will be by perhaps as much as 20 points. Maybe even more, that would be sweet for sure. And the message that DIDN'T get sent nationwide is the one that these union thugs spent so much money on (taxpayer money, BTW).
The message that the Wisconsin 'canary in the coal mine' election will send nationally on Tuesday is this: 'Attention Public Union members: your days of lounging sideways in the public trough are OVER. We won't fund it anymore, so get ready to vacate Fat City, you filthy parasites.'
THAT is the message that is getting out nation wide.
PBY Rescue Mission
Consolidated PBY Catalina
*Source*This is a special guest post which features a video presentation
from a friend of mine, Robert Gale. Take it away, Mr. Ga...
12 hours ago
If he wins maybe all the Wisconsin union democrats will escape across the border to Illinois...
As long as they follow the signs: 'free government cheese', and we funnel them all into Cook County, where they will be most at home.
Excellent Fredd, Just Excellent.
This is public union crap is Top-O-MyPile lately.
As I said recently, I don't have a problem with the Individuals or many of them anyway, (we all need to work and pay our way) but as organizations these public unions are Filthy Steeenkin Parasites that need a new direction. Same as GM and Chrysler workers btw.
I hope you're right you handsome devil.
We're going to get a lot of Supremely Important answers -at least short term answers- over the next several months.
Handsome devil, maybe, if you ask my mom.
That 'Fredd' icon is my grandfather at age 19 in 1900, so there is some resemblance, but it takes a stretch....
And of course you are right, there's some reckonin' goin' on out dere nowadays...
I'll be biting my fingernails watching the election results...if he wins, I might have some hope for our country.
Yes, this is a must-win. If Walker is brought down, there truly is no hope for the America as it was founded.
Looks like Fredd called this one. 20% margin? Close, but a landslide nevertheless....
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