Eric Holder, love him or hate him, is one of the most controversial attorneys general in the history of the United States of America. As the top law enforcement figure in the country, he has yet to uphold or enforce the law in any way, shape or form.
The White House leak scandal? No problem for these guys, Holder will certainly get to the bottom of the leaks, and then find nothing there regardless of what he finds. See how things work under Eric Holder? The Fast and Furious scandal will not sink this guy, even though this scandal is far and away much worse than Nixon's Watergate scandal ever came to, since nobody died during Watergate. Holder will simply deny, deny and deny some more. Then he will stonewall, stonewall and stonewall some more. And since Eric Holder serves at the pleasure of the president, no manner of congressional sanction will matter in his keeping the top justice job. Only Obama can fire the guy, and Obama will simply not do it, under any circumstances since the two are as thick as thieves.
Now Holder is urging black pastors to preach to their congregations, warning them that there are nebulous (conservative) forces hard at work nefariously trying to suppress the black vote, and to keep their heads down. Of course, there's not a single bit of evidence that this is true, other than the New Black Panthers threatening a voting place in Philadelphia some years ago, but since the voters that these thugs threatened were white, no action was deemed necessary by this racist AG.
Assuming Obama stands by this guy through the elections, I would posit that Mr. Holder will give his best college try at rigging the results in Obama's favor, even though he will face landslide opposition by then. I highly suspect their evil efforts will not be successful but Obama and Holder will claim victory in November, 2012 anyway regardless of the tally, forcing a constitutional crisis. This is probably the only way Obama can keep his job, but the potential for an armed intervention in doing so is great.
The armed forces will possibly be mobilized to quell the civil outburst that this skulduggery on Holder's and Obama's part will incite, and it might come down to seeing which side the military leaders of the Air Force, Army, Marines and Navy commit their allegiance to: Mitt Romney's or Barack Obama's. And since a recent poll indicates that Romney holds a 28 point lead over Obama among active duty military members, I don't see another Obama term anywhere in the pipeline, but rather perhaps an arrest warrant for him and his AG would be forthcoming, and then things start getting testy....
Won't that be an interesting November?
Thirteen ...
NAS Fallon, NVThirteen years ago, a man I greatly respected departed this
veil of tears. As is my wont, every year I take a moment to commemorate
that los...
16 hours ago
Heinrich Holder is the worst attorney general ever. He should be tried and jailed.
Silver: You say 'worst,' I say 'most controversial.'
Puh-TAY'-toe, puh-TAH'-toe,....
Well it is 2012. Anything can happen...
He can continue to rape and pillage, and he's got a job -- until he becomes a liability to the Obimbo Reich.
I see holder going under the bus to spend some quality time with rev wright.
I'd also say he's already done serious damage to herr oblabber.
Seriously dude, if the blacks, unions, losers, dead peole, and illegal aliens can somehow manage to vote this POS back in, it is time for Plan R.
Might want to start perfecting Plan R, Kid. Remember... now things are getting done and happening the "Detroit Way."
It's all about race with him and I think people are waking up.
There might come a time when he's become so transparent he WILL do harm to Obama, Kid's right, and then he will be under the bus. Great point, Kid.
It's sad to think someone like him made it this far, don't you think?
Marine4ever. I'm working on it. :)
Z, Thanks. Yea, he's one still on the team too, remember a couple getting kicked off? Van Jones the communist? haha
In any case, I can't think of a single person on his cabinet that I respect, the vast majority of whom are imbeciles. Janet Napalitano hasn't made a single statement that wouldn't be uttered by a drunken 5 yr old. Worst ever administration.
Toss in the two incompetent - By their own records, lesbian racist Supreme Court Justices..
Fredd, I noticed you have my old blog address on your sidebar.
Since Blogspot changed its format a few months ago, I have not figured out how to fix stuff like this sidebar thing of yours, but I will plod on until it comes to me.
Below your blog list you should see a little wrench and screwdriver, assuming you're signed in. Just drink the screwdriver and click on the wrench.
Holder is almost as bad as Alberto Gonzales. And of course, who can forget John Mitchell.
Ed Meese?
Seems it's an office that often attracts rogues.
What? No mention of John Ashcroft in your rogue's gallery of Republican AG's? I thought the left hated that guy more than Beelzebub, so I think you've lost a step in your advancing years, Duckster.
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