As of the head to head polling by NBC/Wall Street Journal on February 2, 2020, the president loses to each of the leading Democrat contenders: Trump loses to Joe Biden by 6 points, gets thumped by commie Bernie Sanders by 4 points, Pochahontas Warren mops the floor with Trump by 3 points, and the Butt Guy, Pete Buttiegieg squeaks past The Donald by 1 point. Look at the Fox News voter preference poll back in August (see graphic), trump got his ass handed to him by every damn commie running, to include the failed Kamala Harris.
And yet I saw with my own eyes that in the New Hampshire primary, where The Donald was virtually running uncontested, he got 118,000+ voters to brave the brutal cold to trudge to the polls and cast their vote for the Donald, wildly beyond the showings of past incumbent uncontested New Hampshire primary elections.
Additionally, the coverage of rallies by any of the Democrat contenders in both Iowa and New Hampshire are absolutely puny and pathetic as compared to The Donald when he showed up; he packed in his venues with tens of thousands unable to get in, while nobody seems interested in any of the current crop of Democrats, their rallies barely fill a high school gym (and that's if they pay enough lefties to attend).
But NBC and the Wall Street Journal give the Donald no chance of re-election. How can this be? I recall the same thing happening in 2016; the enthusiasm that Trump generated on the campaign trail dwarfed that of Hillary Clinton, and yet according to all the polls, he had no shot. No path to the Oval Office, stick a fork in him, he's done. He's toast. Fuhgeddaboudit.
One would think that these polling organizations would want to come close to getting it right this time around, and yet none of them are looking at the same thing I see: the enthusiasm for Donald Trump is triple or more of that than any of the socialists/commies that oppose him.
I have missed calling several elections in the past, simply because I didn't want to think about my side losing (again). But I think this time around, I can confidently claim a Trump landslide, and the GOP snatching that gavel from Nancy Pelosi's shriveled gnarled fingers.
Yes, a Trump landslide, and his coat tails will be huge. All the polls say otherwise. We'll see in about a little less than 9 months from now, won't we?
*Scene at the Signing of the Constitution of the United States*
Howard Chandler Christy (PD)I'm just finishing up a very good book about
Henry Knox (*Henry...
16 hours ago
Biden can't beat Amy Who in NH and he'll wipe the floor with President Trump - yeah, he's ahead all right. The pollsters have pet people who they poll and their credibility will be flushed yet again, the way it was with Hillary. I don't know that even the Democrats could round up ENOUGH dead people to vote for Biden.
As we know, polls mean NOTHING these days; they're just another propaganda ploy.
LL: Biden is so old and feeble, he couldn't even mop the floor with himself. I don't believe anything that these national polls put out, nothing. They are all slanted towards a preconceived result. Complete garbage, all of 'em. I would normally put a pox on these polls, but I'm trying to cut back on my poxing.
Gorges: they mean even LESS than nothing. Nothing would suggest they are neither right or wrong, these polls are profoundly misleading, by design.
Perhaps the problem lies with the respondents. Assuming the pollsters are reporting honestly (yeah, right!), maybe the only people who willingly talk to poll takers are ardent supporters of Candidate A, or Trump supporters just f^^king with the poll takers.
Fool: you may have a point; I NEVER agree to answer anything put to me by a pollster. Accordingly, they are not getting my crack pot conservative lean on anything.
The dems are buying poll numbers. Agreed on the election. The Dems will get crushed, you can even tell they know it by their panic.
Kid: yes, their panic is obvious. Of course the DNC will screw Bernie over, as usual, to be expected. And nobody likes Bloomberg, I mean nobody, left or right.
I see Amy emerging from the wreckage. How wrong could I be?
Fredd, I see the hildebeast emerging. Oddly enough. Though Amy is ugly enough to be electable by the defecrats.
Yes, the Dems do seem to like running ugly women against us. Hillary? Don't you think that most libs still hate her for her lousy performance in 2016?
Sure looking like a landslide to me -- has there ever been a more pathetic, risible, nonsensical, unpopular, deceitful, fauxtrageous opposition?
At this point the polls are looking as bogus as their sponsors.
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