I admit it. I watch Fox News quite a bit, and the Fox Business Network even more.
And quite honestly, I just sincerely wish they would keep Geraldo Rivera's exposure on their networks to a minimum. Fox is known for its center-right leanings, and Geraldo Rivera (or Jerry Rivers, as Rush Limbaugh calls him) is pretty dang left of center.
But every time I turn on the telly, there Geraldo is, spewing his liberal crap that is painful to listen to. Lately he has been on a tear advocating that the children of illegal aliens ('Dreamers') should be left right where they are, to remain on U.S. soil to do as they wish, and live their lives unfettered by the fact that by law they should not be here at all. Donald Trump has said he will revoke Obama's executive order that allows these illegals to stay in the country.
"Where's the compassion, deporting someone who was born here, and are in the U.S. through no fault of their own, since their parents were the ones who broke US law?", Geraldo moans. 'Where is our compassion?'
Geraldo, I hate to inform you of this, but unlike what George W. Bush once famously and incorrectly said, 'compassion doesn't stop at the Rio Grande,' accordingly to our Constitution and national legal system, compassion does indeed stop at the Rio Grande. We have compassion for American citizens, but not for the whole dang miserable rest of the world. Let them set up a constitutional republic in their own festering hell holes, just like we did a few hundred years ago. Rather than invading us like a horde of Visigoths.
Imagine what Geraldo would say about the families of Mafia bosses, who eat on polished mahogany tables, set with the finest bone China and Sterling silverware, as these innocent Mafia family members, who never bumped off anyone, or never threw any bodies into the East River, feast on table carved Chateaubriand. All of those delicacies are ill-gotten goods, or fruit from the poisoned tree (Geraldo should know this concept, he is a lawyer). Would Geraldo be OK with these progency of criminals living high on the hog, at the expense of law abiding citizens who were victimized by the Mob?
This 'fruit from the poisoned tree' is exactly what these 'dreamers' are enjoying. Their parents broke the law, and now their children are enjoying the benefits of legal U.S. citizens. Imagine if Willy Sutton, famous bank robber, robbed a bunch of banks and then went out and bought his kids Porsche Boxsters. Would Geraldo make an impassioned plea that these innocent kids of Willy Sutton should be able to keep driving around in these posh Porsche Boxsters, because they had nothing to do with the initial theft?
He probably would. Liberals such as Geraldo Rivera are all about compassion, as long as this compassion is paid for with other people's money. I ponder just how ferociously Geraldo would defend these illegals if he and his like minded ilk would be solely required to pony up for their expenses, and leave tax payers off the hook to fund the illegal aliens' lifestyle here in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.
I suspect his views would change dramatically.
You Shouldn't Do That
Do you think, dear friends, that some kind of switch flipped and DJT was
allowed to take power? That the Deep State is and was controlled by a
2 hours ago
Silvius: I get the impression that Fox is trying to pass off Geraldo as some sort of reasonable guy. His leftist idiocy is not even close to reasonable.
Geraldo claims to be a lawyer. I doubt that he ever tried a case. My sense is that he graduated from Brooklyn Law School and that was the extent of it. Was he admitted to the Bar? Maybe. Who cares? He's Jewish, so being a lawyer is almost mandatory if you're going to live in New York and hob nob with the progs.
He's ready and willing to set the law aside if it conflicts with his political leanings, sort of like Barack was.
I used to like him; then he got the idea that his opinion mattered.
Who told Geraldo he was brilliant?
Brig: very likely lots of people have told him he's brilliant. Liberal people. Much like one sumo wrestler telling another sumo wrestler that he looks 'toned.'
Gorges: unlike you, I never liked him. My earliest memory of seeing him was when he was involved in the counter culture, you know: long hair, smoking pot, being a liberal hippie. Then he got that cruddy day time show that competed with Oprah, Phil Donahue, etc.. He has always rubbed me the wrong way.
LL: like many show biz types, Geraldo's good looks dictated his direction in life (married 5 times) and his law career was brief. Much like Megyn Kelly. Yes, he passed the bar, but you're right; who cares. He's now a dedicated, dues paying card carrying liberal illegal alien invasion advocate.
Being a dedicated liberal illegal alien invasion advocate brings him in many millions of dollars a year, and he's not required to think the way he would have to do if he'd been a working lawyer. Thus the progs are revealed for what they're best at doing - spouting their ideas (trigger warnings, safe bubbles and all) and getting paid by chowderheads for doing it.
Don't care for him, never have. What I don't understand is why people keep giving him a platform, what possible function does he serve. If they all quit watching him, or giving him a platform, he would fade away.
But then I don't watch TV, except for the NFR.
Brig: he had bombed out in all of his prior gigs, and I am surprised that Fox keeps him on; most viewers of Fox hate him. I obviously do.
He's been a laughingstock ever since his "Al Capone's Vault" special show.
The man has ZERO relevance to modern reality-based life....
drjim: That Al Capone fiasco killed his credibility, but that doesn't seem to stop the guy from spewing his pinko schtick. Sadly.
The Al Capone's Tomb fiasco didn't stop him from being a "contributor" on TV news and a Mexican activist. At one point his career dipped so low that he got a contestant gig on Trump's "The Apprentice". Naturally, The Donald fired him.
Fredd, the thing about Geraldo is that he's a shameless *urd.
If I'm going to paint an X on someone (and no - no violence intended) It would be juan williams and the unbelievable moron alan colmes - both no doubt making 7 figures a year. boggles the mind. The media is certainly a target rich environment....
LL: I would think that the low point in Jerry's career was getting smashed in the nose with a folding chair during a riot on his low-life daytime show a decade or two ago. The HIGH POINT had to be his gig on 'The Apprentice.'
Or maybe another low might be when he was drawing planeed U.S. troop tactics in the sand and broadcasting them to the bad guys during the Iraq war. So many low points, hard to say really.
Kid: yes, both Alan Colmes and Juan Williams are leftist pinko commies and lose my interest every time they are on. Juan seems on the way up, while Alan's career has a downward trajectory. With luck, Red Al will be eating out of a dumpster before too long. Juan, I think we will have to put up with him for awhile longer.
Pastor: too bad the Fox News producers who keep Jerry on don't know that.
I have the same feelings about Geraldo and have stated them at my blog...He hides in his liberalism, frequently mentioning he's a Republican, very pro troops, etc...but he's devil's advocate on everything and WHY IS HE THERE, ANYWAY? what's he ever DONE??
As much as Juan Williams admits he's a liberal, he has some redeeming qualities, unlike Geraldo, the GHOUL Colmes, Goolsbie (who Megyn parades all the time for some reason), and others. WHY does FOX have SO MANY LIBERALS and STILL gets called for BIAS when ZERO of the other cables have 1/8 the amount of Cons.' opinions? Gad...WAKE UP, AMERICA!
Williams' two sons are avid Republicans. Makes me feel better :-)
Z: Geraldo Rivera is as much a Republican as Kelly Rippa is a sumo wrestler.
Do what I do, turn off FOX as soon as that nimrod shows up. If enough of us do it they might notice.
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