With the ascendancy of Donald Trump to the Oval Office on January 20, 2017, the world will see the stark differences between the two major competing philosophies and political parties that dominate Western culture: the way the Left sees the world 'on paper,' as compared to how the Right views things from a practical perspective.
Pick your party: the Republicans in the U.S., the Torries in the United Kingdom, the Conservative party in Canada, or the Liberal Party (yes, that's its name) in Australia; all of these conservative parties govern based on what works in the real world. These parties consider actual job creating policies that have proven effective in the past, whether it involves taxes, trade, immigration, etc., these parties promote real world solutions to how best to allocate scarce national resources.
On the other end of the political spectrum, leftist parties such as the Democrats in the U.S. and the Labor Party in the UK, their philosophy has nothing to do with reality, or with past results of policies. They govern from what looks best 'on paper.' They focus on what is philosophically perfect. Karl Marx was the poster child of this method of governance. He never had a real job outside of academia, but felt that his vision of how things should be on paper, where nobody ever went without, there was no tear drop in any eye, and that everybody was entitled to equal shares of the national pie, these perfect visions would be best if applied to how all governments should operate.
Accordingly, the Left chose as its leaders Utopian visionaries from the Ivory Tower academic institutions to implement their Utopian policies; Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson, Barack Obama. All of these guys had extremely limited business experience, had never met any payroll ever, didn't care about how profit and loss statements worked, none of that.
Donald Trump has managed hundreds of companies simultaneously, met thousands and thousands of payroll requirements, hired thousands and thousands of workers, and has governed his concerns via the real world report card known to everybody except Ivory Tower pinhead Utopian morons as a profit and loss statement, or "P&L." Where terms such as EBITDA rule how things work (pronounced EE'-bit-DAW'), an acronym that means earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization.
I expect to see the Dow Jones continue to climb during the Trump administration over the next 8 years. He will do things that work in the real world, rather than experiment with stuff that doesn't work, but in theory should work 'on paper.'
None of this 'on paper' stuff going forward, stuff that never works as it should, in theory. Donald Trump is rolling up his sleeves and getting things done using experience that he knows works in the real world.
Take that to the bank.
November 1812: La Honte de la Garde Impériale¹
*Moscow 1812²*
Dmitry Nikolayevich Kardovsky
The 57th entered Smolensk on the morning of the 9th. They had spent the
night bivouacked outside the ...
4 hours ago