...much less had any experience in business that would qualify her to even run a lemonade stand.
And this is the old crone that categorically states that Donald Trump is unqualified to be president. Hillary Clinton has no clue as to what it takes to meet a payroll, manage precious resources to maximize shareholder value or even hire and fire productive personnel.
And she declares that she alone is the only one in the race who knows what they are doing. What kind of idiocy is this? I drew this cartoon over 8 years ago, and nothing whatsoever has changed. Hillary Clinton is still the same stupid leftist Marxist socialist that she has always been.
If elected, she will drive our floundering economy completely into the ground.
You can take that to the bank. Assuming, of course, that there are any banks still solvent.
You Shouldn't Do That
Do you think, dear friends, that some kind of switch flipped and DJT was
allowed to take power? That the Deep State is and was controlled by a
1 hour ago
She wouldn't be interested in running a lemonade stand. You can't lose $6B in a lemonade stand and not even have to explain it.
We will continue to borrow a trillion or two a year under a Hillary administration. More if she gets us into a war. And it will crash the machine. The progs will blame Trump for being a greedy businessman and Bush for being the president a decade before. Same old thing, same old worthless news media. Same old stupid Americans who believe her CONTINUAL and UNABATED LIES.
Grunt: If Hillary can spill top secret info to everybody in the world and not have to explain it, losing a ton of money on her lemonade stand would not even raise an eyebrow.
And of course you are 100 percent correct Fredd, I have been saying that for years.
And this is the old hag that categorically stated that Donald Trump is unqualified to be president. The "Mad-am" Hillary Clinton has no clue as to what it takes to meet be in a position to manage precious resources to maximize shareholder value or even hire or fire productive personnel. She wouldn't know what to do to "Make this Country Great Again"
And Yee Gads, just think of her in a meaningful conversation with Isreal? She has no love at all for the Jewish State. Her Gal Pal Huma wouldn't allow it anyway!
And she declares that she alone is the only one in the race who knows what they are doing. What kind of idiocy is this? I drew this conclusion over 8 years ago, and nothing whatsoever has changed. Hillary Clinton is still the same stupid leftist Marxist socialist that she has always been. And now that she has a Muslin as her Gal Friday, things will only get worse
If elected, she will drive our floundering economy completely into the ground.
You can take that to the bank. Assuming, of course, that there are any banks still solvent.
There are a lot of not so brights in this state, with no clue as to what awaits us if that woman gets elected.
Luke: the Israelis know they have been on their own since Barry was elected 8 years ago, they've been OK knowing that they can't count on us. If the old crone is elected, Israel will figure it's just another 8 years of the same. They have contingency plans.
Brig: yes, California is lousy with 'not so brights,' the Governor among them.
fredd, actually, there are a lot more 'brights' than you think in my beautiful state of California. Most people don't understand how close our elections almost always are. I know so many Conservative Californians you'd be stunned...and that's just me.
Yes, we have Brown...nobody likes him....nobody I know voted for him.
We're the home of Wilson, the marvelous Conservative Geo. Deukmejian (who grew up in my grandfather's house in Troy, NY), and REAGAN.
Putting that aside...
Hillary's followers include the media; until journalists go honest again, understanding that we don't give a damn what they think, we just want the facts from BOTH sides, this country is doomed...it's Russia, it's Iran, Iraq.........it's over.
This all happened when we gave bylines to every dope who was charged with telling us NEWS...suddenly they thought we wanted their opinion of that news...and now we have a third world country with a lying media...and we'll probably have an illegal election, too. All brought to this country be leftwingers who don't even ask "Hillary, how ARE you going to Pay for this?"
Did you all see the video today on FOX of Bill Clinton talking about how awful illegal immigration is and how hard he'll fight against it? hmmmm Only on Cons. TV will you see TRUTH, irony, important comparisons....typical
It bugs me that Trump is not putting out more ads to showcase Killary's problems.
She runs three or four times the ads, showing he is against girls, against the military, a tax evader -- even Fox News jumped on that bandwagon. Idiots.
I bet Killary has evaded a few taxes, too, though I expect her probably doctored tax returns don't show it as such.
Ugh. This election will be the death of America if she is elected.
LindaG: agree with everything you wrote. If The Donald is so dang rich, he should blanket the US airwaves with ads showcasing Hillary's malfeasance and skulduggery.
Going negative works great, always has. Where are Donald's negative ads? He's running out of time.
Z: Lots of conservatives in CA, I know. Millions and millions of them. I used to live there, and the circles I hung out in were all conservative, too.
But CA is now largely a liberal pus hole, and conservatives are now outnumbered by millions and millions and milliions of brain dead idiots who vote in the Jerry Browns and Nancy Pelosis year after year. And lets not forget the Barbara Boxers and Diane Feinsteins, much less the Maxine Waters' and George Miller's that Californians love to seat, year after year.
California will be the death of us all, Z. Take that to the bank, assuming that any banks will be solvent after 8 more years of the Clintons in the White House. Arrrgh!!
Fredd, she couldn't make a ham sandwich, much less run a lemonade stand. After all, she's too sick. In the mind.
Then there's the "body."
Sorry, unpleasant image.
Pastor: yes, we both agree that the old crone is worthless as a manager of anything. Unfortunately, about 90 million of our fellow Americans think she's the bee's knees.
Buy Gold ! But wait a couple weeks.
OK. Buy gold, got it. Wait a couple of weeks. Got it.
But...gold is still tanking like Hillary's likeability numbers. Who says it won't go to $1100/ounce in the next few months?
I ain't feeling it, Kid. I think you are missing the call here. But you go ahead and bet the farm, but don't come around asking me for a barrel with arm straps once you go broke.
Fredd, just in case..... Do you Have any barrels with arm straps?
Just planning ahead.
Kid: yeah, I have a couple in stock, mostly for family. But I suppose I could set one aside....
I wouldn't trust Crooked Hillary to run a lemonade stand without stealing the profits and the lemons.
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