It's coming, Barack Obama's executive order restricting the purchase and ownership of hand guns, assault rifles, large capacity magazines, hollow point bullets, etc. You know, all the stuff that former Surgeon General Jocelyn Elders wanted gone as well, and replaced with nicer, softer safer ordinance. Like bullets made of gummy worms, and rifles made of foam rubber. Now THAT kind of 2nd Amendment is what the Founding Fathers had in mind, just ask any gun grabbing liberal.
Right after the San Bernardino killings by a couple from the death cult Islam, he just couldn't help himself but to say that easy access to the ownership of AR-15 assault rifles was largely to blame for this massacre. No, no, radical Islam had nothing to do with it, you horrible Islamo-phobes.
That's like saying that Karl Marx wasn't responsible for putting down on paper his "Das Kapital" tome and fomenting the beginnings of one of the most deadly forms of government responsible for the deaths of millions: communism. Nope, it wasn't Karl Marx's fault for those deaths, we must lay the blame at the feet of the pencil that he used to put those deadly words onto paper.
Those lethal pencils have got to go.
Just for the sake of argument, I doubt that any of Barry's executive orders will remove a significant number of wicked fire arms from the possession of, oh, say perhaps 150 million red blooded Americans who believe in the 2nd Amendment. And the average number of fire arms per household in the U.S. is estimated to be around two. That's a lot of fire power out there in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave, Barry.
I wonder what kind of jack booted force will be assembled by Barry and his ilk that will be coming to the doors of this many armed households, demanding that we surrender our evil guns?
Just exactly how will that government gun grabbing all work out in the end?
I want to know.
You Shouldn't Do That
Do you think, dear friends, that some kind of switch flipped and DJT was
allowed to take power? That the Deep State is and was controlled by a
2 hours ago
LOL, two you say, not in this neck of the range...
I wonder, just for the sake of wondering mind you,
if the gun brokers aren't ear worming BO...
guns and ammo sales are the highest in history.
Well, that would be the average nationally, give or take. How many guns per household in San Francisco? .0003, give or take. How many guns per household in Killeen, TX (just outside of Ft. Hood)? 10.77, give or take. In your neighborhood? I would guess you and your neighbors are armed to the teeth, hard to put a number on it. Do antique wall-hangers count?
My sense is that they need to round up a LOT of inner city people (Baltimore would be a good place to start, as would Detroit) and march them off to any free state in fly-over country and have them go house to house, confiscating firearms. Da boyz from de hood have experience tilting their firearms to the side and blazing away. Let's see how they do. I have a prediction or two.
(1) It would solve the food stamp expense problem.
(2) It would solve the ObamaPhone expense problem.
(3) There wouldn't be as many unexpended rounds of ammunition in the hands of the public anymore. (Thus Barry and friends would reach a goal)
(4) The crime rate in the hood would vanish -- as would the hood.
(5) The prison population would be reduced to nearly zero.
(6) There would be no more need for subsidized housing.
I like your idea. And that tilting the semi-auto hand gun sideways thing, I gotta wonder who invented that: whoever it was is very likely dead by now. Depending on which way the tilter tilts, two problems arise. One, if tilted with the ejection port pointed up, the brass will get ejected up and possibly down the back of your shirt. And those babies are hot when they are fresh. Titled down, it spits the brass at your feet, and if you have to manuever it never helps having cylindrical objects all over your path that you will slip and fall on your butt. Two, the sights are completely useless sideways, and unless your target is 10 feet away or closer, you can't hit jack squat.
Yes, that tilt inventor is probably deader than a dog by now.
"gun control" is a non thing. Just like most of government's memes. No amount of gun control would have stopped the San Bernardino mental midgets from getting high capacity illegal guns and magazines in California. No amount.
Remove guns entirely? Are you stupid enough to think that's possible when 12 year old girls can get heroin on the street 8 days a week? Well, even if it were possible, then maybe the USA would replace the decades long disarmed UK as # 2 in the world for violent attack crimes...
Is there are more moronic meme than "Gun Control" ? I don't think so.
It's all part of Barry's plan.
Kid: you got it. Moronic and wildly utopian; right in lock step with most liberal thought. Stupidly, the left truly in its heart of hearts believes that if we simply made all the guns go away, the bad guys would have nothing to kill us with, and so would have to hug and love us all, since the guns were gone.
The left are no more complicated than children, and our POTUS is the Child in Chief.
Odie: I am getting pretty sick of Barry's plans. All of them cost me a lot of dough. Or aggravation. Or both.
How many Ruby Ridges before enough would be enough?
Ed: yes, in Gun Free Zones such as Chicago (also called a War Zone), many 'gun exchanges' and 'turn in your gun for cash' programs have come and gone.
And only idiots go for these ruses. So for the most part, the idiots are disarmed. Which is fine with me. Many of the guns that are collected are wall-hangers, antiques that don't work, and other firearms that are barely considered firearms.
The rest of the folks keep the good stuff. Well, except for the idiots, of course...
Ed: Ruby Ridge, Waco, and other naked federal abuses of power will not be the norm. I think the feds will be much more sneaky in their efforts to disarm the public. Just how sneaky, we'll find out.
I actually heard Juan Williams today say that he thinks the gun lobby/sellers are promoting anger at Obama's anti-gun stance so's to keep people buying guns and ammo.
you can't make this stuff up. And it just keeps comin'.
Z: Juan Williams suffers from a bad case of liberal psychosis. I like him, but sometimes he just can't help himself when he utters liberal idiocy like this.
It's clearly the other way around: People are angry at Obama's gun grabbing ways, and accordingly are stocking up on guns and ammo.
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