There he goes again, legacy building. Barack Obama told us 7 years ago that he was intent on bankrupting the coal industry. Well, the other shoe has finally dropped, and he has issued yet another edict from on high that coal fired power plants better start shuttering their doors sooner rather than later owing to new strict environmental standards on greenhouse gas emissions.
Barry is starting to rush things, as he knows he only has another 15 months or so to wreck America to his liking, and establish the transformation of the country from the world's only super power to a third world banana republic. Barry likens this transformation as one from a fossil fueled polluting country to a renewable, fresh green country. Right. And still, there are not enough windmills or solar panels that can be stapled or glued onto a Boeing 777 to get it even an inch off the ground.
One thing Barry hasn't accounted for, however, is that his legacy is not subject to the political winds of today. It will be determined in the fullness of time by others, and others who are not deterred by which way the current political winds are blowing. History has a way of diluting such influences, and objectively looking at results, not the spin issued by the current regime.
Barry thinks that history will have determined that he saved America from a depression of epic proportions since he inherited a full blown economic disaster...created by his own party and its desire to give free houses to bums and losers who could never, ever service a mortgage on even a dog house, much less a McMansion.
When these fake mortgages went bust after the fake occupants with their fake paychecks came into full view of the lenders, Democrat policies of a house for every beggar blew up in all of our faces. And yet Barry, ramming through massive government spending programs of Keynesian origin, thinks he saved the day when future historians will determine the truth. And that truth will not be flattering to Barry's legacy.
Barry will think that his legacy will be one of a peace maker, the president who ended two wars and brought our troops home. Again, the future historians will look at this quite differently: Barry will be hung with losing two wars, one which had already been won (Iraq) and one that was winnable (Afghanistan), and creating the new Holocaust of ISIS.
Barack Obama's legacy will be one of legend. But not the way he thinks. Rather than America's greatest president, Barry will come down in history as the most damaging, dishonest and God-awful president the country has ever seen, or ever will see.
You Shouldn't Do That
Do you think, dear friends, that some kind of switch flipped and DJT was
allowed to take power? That the Deep State is and was controlled by a
2 hours ago
He and his friends have looted the nation three ways from Sunday with each stimulus or bail-out. The reason that we don't have a Keystone Pipeline is because his friend Warren Buffet controls the rolling rail stock that hauls oil 2000 miles. It's all corruption and dirty deals. All of it.
"Barack Obama's legacy will be one of legend."
In the book "I am Legend", the protagonist, who has struggled throughout the story to stay alive and kill the "vampires" during the day, who try to kill him at night, realizes at the end, after they capture him and put him on trial for murdering them, that he has become their "boogeyman", a legend for all the wrong reasons.
Yes, Barack Obama's legacy will be one of legend.
when LEGACY derails an amazingly wonderful country like America, we know what Obama will be famous for, don't we.
Don't care much what Barry thinks, but it annoys the the heck out of me that so many think he is good.
Brighid: most of his admirers are clones of that Cleveland Obamaphone pig. You know the one, "ever-body in Cleveland got Obamaphone. You unemployed, you disability, ..."
These Obamaphone ladies still think that the world is flat.
Z: we are indeed derailed because of Obama's corruption and inexperience. Putting it back on the right track will be a Herculean job for the next adult that has to clean up Barry's mess.
LL: Barry will be gone in 15 months. In 8 years, President Trump will be able to clean up maybe half of Barry's mess, but it will be up to his vice-president Carly Fiorina will tackle the rest by sticking to her old boss' ideas: "Trumponomics."
Ed: I didn't much care for that Will Smith movie. And lately, all of these zombie series (Grimm, Walking Dead, et) are getting out of control.
Neither did. The Omega Man was better, but the book has never been filmed withe the ending intact, which is the "big surprise".
I hope you're right Fredd.
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