The list of liberals vying for the Democrat nomination for 2020 is currently, to quote the late Barbara ('Babs') Bush, 'a sorry lot.'
With the Democrat zeitgeist roaring down the socialist road under the leadership of the latest liberal dummy, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes, the planks within the party heading up to the election look much like the framework established in 1972 by George McGovern: tax the hell out of everybody, and then provide free stuff to everybody. That kind of idiocy worked great for McGovern to get the nomination, but I think we all remember how that went for him in the general election. Richard Nixon ate George's lunch to win re-election, and Dick Nixon was no conservative.
Bernie Sanders established the theme in 2016: medicare for everybody, free college for everybody, tax the bejeezus out of everybody except the poor, free stuff for everybody! He gave Crooked Hillary a run for her money in the primaries, and you better believe a lot of current Dem hopefuls took notes on how Bernie did so well. Even though he got cheated blind by Hillary, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the Democrat machine and their rigged 'super delegate' sham of a nomination process, the path to the 2020 Democratic nomination is clear: promise free shit for everybody. And most if not nearly all the big liberal names are going with promising everything to everybody for free. Well, not everybody: if you are a rich fat cat, you get nothing except fleeced.
Sure, Donald Trump has baggage which may challenge his electoral chops, but I have to believe that even the dumbest of the dumb fellow Americans of mine have got to know that there is no free lunch.
I'll go out on a limb here and predict that The Donald will win re-election, but not by a landslide. Unless Pochahontas (Sen. Elizabeth Warren D-Ma) gets the tap, then all bets are off. Trump will mop the floor with Heap Big White Hope.
Caption: People romanticize the missions of military combat swimmers. They
conflate diving in a Navy setting, which often occurs in harbors worse than
31 minutes ago