The world is not perfect, and never will be.
Everyone with any common sense whatsoever knows this to be true. Unfortunately, there are a whole crowd of people without common sense who believe that we can indeed make heaven on earth in our lifetimes. They are called Utopians. In the United States, they are also commonly referred to as Democrats as well, the terms are interchangeable.
And to make things perfect here in the U.S., of course, we need every American to pitch in and do their part in eliminating every injustice, right every wrong and wipe every tear off of every face. And again, in their efforts to achieve heaven on earth, these Utopians need resources. And no, you foolish knaves, not THEIR OWN resources, perish the thought. They need YOUR resources. And the more of those resources that they can forcefully take from you through the coercive might of the government, the better, these Utopians (also called Democrats) figure.
And the Utopians (also known as Democrats) will sleep at night like babies in stealing your money: you see, it's for a good cause. It will go to feed the hungry, quench the thirsty, house the homeless, clothe the naked, enlighten the ignorant, mobilize the immobile, shave the hairy, grow hair on the hairless, and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on ...............
As the old saying goes, 'the perfect is the enemy of the good.' Utopians of course want things to be perfect. And in the U.S. of A. as founded, things are not perfect, not by any stretch of the imagination. There are poor people who don't live on oceanfront property, and who can't afford to sip Sauvignon Blanc and munch brie. This is just not fair (according to Utopians, also known as Democrats). It's a 'right' that everyone should enjoy the good life, and not just these stinkin' rich SOB's.
If we just tax these rich, oceanfront living, Sauvignon Blanc sipping, brie munching elites enough, and give the money forced from the greedy clutches of those rich bastards to those not so lucky in life, then we will have heaven on earth. Things will be fair, life will be in balance.
And how did all of these Utopians get into positions of power such that they can mandate this wealth transfer? They promised us all heaven on earth, and we believed them. And we voted them into office.
These Utopians have now been entrenched into various administrative parts of our government now since the Wilson administration, in addition to way too many of them holding elective office since good ol' Woodrow was calling the shots. That's a long time, if you ask me. And we STILL do not have heaven on earth, despite their best efforts. Life is STILL not fair. The world is STILL imperfect, despite the Utopians' (also known as Democrats) successful efforts of these last 90 years or so in transferring about 60 TRILLION DOLLARS from those who earned it to others who didn't.
Why do we keep voting these Utopians (also called Democrats) into office?
Won't we ever learn?
*Scene at the Signing of the Constitution of the United States*
Howard Chandler Christy (PD)I'm just finishing up a very good book about
Henry Knox (*Henry...
15 hours ago